Krystof V. Novak is a Prague (Czech Republic) based
Photographer, Cinematographer, Photojournalist,
Architect, Programmer. Currently he studies Intermedia
technologies at the CTU Prague and works as a part time
photo-journalist publishing in czech newspapers.
K. V. Novak works reflect his passion for exploring and
observing the world around us and capturing its unique
moments and atmosphere.
Exhibition History:
DOX, Šest pohlednic, Prague CZ 2024
Walk Thru Gallery, Magellan, Hradec Králové CZ 2022
Galerie v Zahradě (solo exhibition with G. Novakova), Kolín 2020
Grafika Roku '18, Prague CZ 2019
DCGI CTU, Prague CZ 2018
StudentFoto, Brno CZ 2018
Bigger Picture Festival Photo Competition, Swansea UK 2018
Patro, (with G. Novakova and V.Varmuza) Olomouc CZ 2017
Grafika Roku '16, Prague CZ 2017